follow-up form or system fits the bill as one such tool
Using some type of follow-up form or system fits the bill as one such tool.You can create your own form using your computer software or just use blank piece of paper. If you end up calling several other times, you will have a record of that, just in case it's needed. Have you ever walked into another classroom to ask a teacher a question...and when you got there, you had forgotten what the question was (even though it seemedNIKE FREE RUN,emember why in the world you called? Guess what? You are not the only one who has these moments! It's all of us. It isn't age (at least that's my story and I'm sticking to it). You don't want that verbal request just hanging in the air; you want to accept it and make sure you do what your colleague is asking. Watson's home email and phone number and let her know you will get in touch with her if need be, just to ease her mind. When you ask Mrs. You print out Nike TN Requin Plating Hommethe email and put it in your "going home" file in your brief case. And to read more about how to use a tickler file....!I invite you to access the numerous articles available on this topic at** http://www.ArticlesonProductivity.comFor additional teaching resources (particularly in the area of vocabulary development, please visit** http://www.OwningWordsforLiteracy.com - and you can click on the Downloads tab.(c) 2009 by Meggin McIntosh, Ph.D., "The Ph.D. If you are printing out the forms, it is best to keep 25 or 30 copies of your in your file at any given time (and to carry a handful of these in your purse, briefcase, or planner). You thought to ask several of these questions because you were prompted by your form. Unfortunately, neither his mother nor his father are available, so you note the date and time that you called and that you left messages on both numbers for them to call you. You want to have plenty of them nearby, because there are a multitude of uses. We need to be smart in our use of the tools available to aid in the quest for peaceful productivity. You always use the last 15 minutes before you head out the door in the afternoon to check email and make sure there aren't last minute messages that will affect your early morning time the next day. Through her company, Emphasis on Excellence, Inc., Meggin McIntosh changes what people know, feel, dream, and do. When you check your mail box after school, you find a phone message slip telling you that your doctor's appointment had to be rescheduled and giving you the date of the reschedule. And if you are wondering, what do I do with these forms that are reminding me to follow up?!Well, you want to put them into your tickler file so you are reminded (i.e., your brain is 'tickled'). You pull out a follow-up form, write "check with Mrs. It's the sheer quantity of what we are trying to carry around in our heads. of Productivity"(tm). Watson how many days she thinks she will be out, you note "at least 2 weeks" on your form. Regardless of how you set up your form, most teachers need a place for names, dates, contact information, comments, etc. For example:A colleague walks into your office and asks if you will check in with her sub over the next few days since she will be out while her son recovers from surgery. And, apologizing when we have forgotten to do something we promised to do is not the optimum way to build professional credibility, is it?With so much to remember to plan, so much to remember to do, and so much to remember to follow up on, it's increasingly difficult to keep track of everything going on in both our personal and professional lives. When you get back to your classroom, you check the calendar, see that you have a field trip scheduled that day (and know it's not wise to be absent on field trip day), so you must follow up with the doctor's office to find a better appointment day. Because there is plenty of room (as well as a specific space for contact information), you write down Mrs. Since the first thing you do when you get home (after taking off your shoes) is open your brief case and checkTimberland Custom Homme your "home" file, you know you will follow-up on this prompt tonight.Follow-up forms concisely document the who, what, when, where, why, and how of items that need your attention. You decide to call right now, while you have a few minutes. Waking up in the middle of the night 'remembering' something we were supposed to do the previous day is not the best way to get our beauty sleep (or to be prepared for the rigors of a tough teaching day). And today, sure enough, there's a message that the long-term care insurance provider from the credit union will be holding an informational meeting at 7:00 in the multipurpose room. You staple the small message slip to a large follow-up form so that it doesn't get lost. Watson's sub" at the top. The source of the incoming task is "thoughts from your own mind." You pull out a form, write "Call Frank Fanelli's parents" at the top and you get the phone numbers from your student cards and write those on the form. You ask your colleague if she knows the sub's name and then you write that on the form (John Matilde, who happens to be a senior at the local university in teacher education). A student who normally turns in all his work and responds well in class has started slacking and you want to check in with the parents. You have been considering investing in LTC insurance and you want to bring your partner with you so that she can hear about the options, too. Sound interesting? It is!.
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